Prato You may not be aware, but the Big Banking Lobby is constantly attacking not-for-profit credit unions. And when they attack they use the American Bankers Association which I am writing about in my book. The ABA has been buying up Washington politicians for over a hundred years to make decisions not in the best interest […]
Tag Archives World bankers

Bank Scam #10: The Debt Matrix
by Mark Quann Bank Scam #10: The Debt Matrix I call the financial system built by the World Bankers, The Debt Matrix. Americans (and the rest of the world) plug into the Matrix when they are young—get hooked on debt—and many will remain in debt for life. The Matrix can be described in Bank Scams #1-9, with each scam being interdependent on one another. Bank Scam […] Mark Quann is an entrepreneur with a belief in the liberating power of financial education and a campaign to slash the toxic influence of big banks and credit companies. Read More

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