What is the difference between Bernie Madoff and big banking? Bernie Madoff built a multi-billion dollar Ponzi scheme… Big banking (JP Morgan Chase, Wells Fargo, Citibank, Bank of America, Goldman Sacks, and others) have built a multi-trillion dollar Ponzi scheme. Bernie convinced new customers into giving them their money for 48 years before they discovered he was running a Ponzi scheme… Big banking has been convincing […]

Cast your vote: “Everyday is Bank Transfer Day”
Bank Transfer Day was November 5th 2011. And yesterday alone, 1,000’s of Americans left big banking. Today, 1,000’s more will leave. And tomorrow 1,000’s more Americans will leave big banking…many of them for good. Both Conservatives and Liberals are leaving too. It is good to see that this is one issue we can all agree upon. Even Sandy Weill, former Chairman (and creator) of Citigroup is abandoning big banking. Weill commented, “There is such a feeling among people, […]
Mark Quann – Welcome to Rich Man, Poor Bank
By Mark Quann Why Rich Man Poor Bank? Because Bankers want credit card applications in schools, not financial education. I hope you will enjoy learning about money and banking, but more importantly I hope you use the information to improve the quality of life for you and your family. If you are like me, you may have wondered […]
Nikolayevsk Mark Quann is an entrepreneur with a belief in the liberating power of financial education and a campaign to slash the toxic influence of big banks and credit companies. Read More