efficiently Mark J. Quann – Top 10 Ways to Avoid Taxes: A Guide to Wealth Accumulation Tax Avoidance Strategy #1: Business Ownership Before we cover how business ownership can help you avoid taxes, I think it is important that you learn where tax rates have been, and more importantly, where they may go in the future. I also […]

How Conscious Capitalism can Change the World
What is CONSCIOUS CAPITALISM? Many questions are on the mind of Americans. Questions such as… “Is Capitalism the cause of rising poverty?” “Is Capitalism the cause of pollution and our dying planet? “Does the Democratic Party care more about the planet?” “Is the Democratic Party pushing jobs out of the country due to excessive taxation?” […]

Praise for Top 10 Ways to Avoid Taxes
Praise for TOP 10 Ways to AVOID TAXES Here are just a few… “I finished reading Top 10 Ways to Avoid TAXES and had to share my thoughts with you. “In clear and simple terms, the book lays out some of the most relevant, powerful, and under-utilized approaches to reducing taxes. More importantly, anyone at […]

Oprah Interviews Donald Trump in 1988
Oprah interviews Donald Trump in 1988 (I was 11 years old) This is not a political blog. I have had posts about Elizabeth Warren and Bill Maher, both Democrats, and have quoted Ron Paul, a Libertarian in my book. I simply found this video fascinating–watching a young Oprah and Donald Trump discuss how America is being ripped off […]

Mark Quann – Rich Man Poor Bank eBook: Gift it today to change a life!
By Mark Quann The reason I wrote Rich Man Poor Bank is that my parents advice of “go to the bank and open up a checking and savings account”, and get good credit was setting me up to fail financially. Today I believe we need to re-educate millions of Americans that have been spoonfed banking education rather than Rich […]

Elizabeth Warren: Fraud at Wells Fargo
By Mark Quann Elizabeth Warren exposes fraud at Wells Fargo–while destroying a top Executive! As much as I love this video, this executive made 200 million dollars–while pressuring employees to “cross-sell” customers to push profits to Wall Street and no high level executives will be held accountable. This is just another case where a megabank can rob the American public, commit massive fraud, […]
The Rich Man Poor Bank eBook!
Finished the Rich Man Poor Bank eBook! You can get it on Amazon for $6. Here is the link: https://www.amazon.com/Rich-Poor-Bank-Mark-Quann-ebook/dp/B01I47MMG0 And if you enjoyed the book, please provide a review here: https://www.amazon.com/Rich-Poor-Bank-Mark-Quann-ebook/dp/B01I47MMG0#customerReviews Next I’ve got to complete the audio book! Thanks for all your support!

Dave Ramsey on Building Credit
Dave Ramsey on Building Credit I remember sitting at Wells Fargo to buy my first Condo. I had no credit score, at least in the US. I owed a bunch of money to Canadian credit card companies and banks, but none to US banks. I had a good job and savings for a down payment, but no […]

Mark Quann – Rich Man Poor Bank: It is just the beginning!
by Mark Quann It started 5 years ago, one finger tying at my local Starbucks. I didn’t know what it was going to be called. I’d never written a book before. The doubts of, “Can I really write a book” were present every second I sat down at my computer. Worse yet were the doubters. “No one […]

Playground of Dreams: Help us Help At-Risk Youth in Los Angeles!
Playground of Dreams: Help us Help At-Risk Youth in Los Angeles! Currently the number of “at risk” youth in Los Angeles are growing. With 50 million Americans now living in poverty in the US alone, these numbers are likely to rise in the biggest cities, partially due to underpaid teachers, and underfunded and underperforming schools. This is one of the reasons that […]
http://woosterglass.com/wooster-glass-quality/ Mark Quann is an entrepreneur with a belief in the liberating power of financial education and a campaign to slash the toxic influence of big banks and credit companies. Read More